Safe Place

What if there were a safe place to ask the deepest questions about life that we all ask from time-to-time? What if there were a truly comfortable, welcoming, and fun place for people to explore the Christian faith, and enjoy some good food? What if you were able to spend time with others in that place over the course of several weeks and develop warm friendships? What if someone of no faith at all found such a place at St. Andrew’s?

This is the kind of place we hope to foster at St. Andrew’s starting September 14 when we kick off our 10-week Alpha Course. Alpha was created and developed at a church in London and has now been offered around the world in churches, homes, schools, prisons, and even on-line to allow people to find the kind of place we all hope the church can be. Alpha is one of the most effective courses offered to foster an environment of exploration of faith, God, Jesus, and life – not with the goal of impartation of knowledge, but a true exploration and lots of fun.

Alpha works best with teams of people (hospitality, food, small group host/helper, and setup/clean up) who want to help create this kind of place. To learn more about Alpha and how you can help, I invite you to watch the video (Video link below) and sign up for Alpha (sign up link below). You can also come learn more on Wednesday, August 10, at 5:45PM.



Are You PRAY-pared?