Stewardship Testimony

by Dr. Thomas Goetz, Organist and Director of Music Ministries

I am extremely honored and thankful to have been called to St. Andrew’s as your Organist and Director of Music. I consider it to be a great privilege to lead the song of God’s people as we pray, worship, and listen together for God’s word to us.

I want you all to know that your faithfulness in sacrificial giving of both your financial means and your time and service to God are important key components of the circumstances which call me to make the 6:30 a.m. one-hour drive from Melbourne Beach to Fort Pierce every Sunday morning. You all—collectively known as the parish of St. Andrew’s—have made this magnificent pipe organ come into being. This amazing instrument is a wonderful gift of music and worship not only for our congregation, but also for the greater community. This organ not only leads our collective song as the people of God, but it also provides beautiful accompaniment for our choir, and enables your organist to be inspired to play the most festive, soul-stirring, comforting, and inspiring music possible. These 60 stops and 2,147 pipes have a tall order to fill, and they do it so very well!

I am grateful to be here at St. Andrew’s. Canon Ellis and the Vestry made it possible for me to come and serve this congregation, but more than that, YOU made it possible! Your generosity made this instrument possible. You have given your organist the tools to produce very special music every single Sunday! From the bottom of my heart I say “Thank you!” This is an amazing accomplishment for any congregation, and this work was completed during the worst pandemic during modern times. Give yourself a pat on the back!

But don’t let it stop there. God’s work is never done. We must never, ever feel that we have done all that there is to do. My heartfelt prayer is that we all, gathered in this house of worship, will boldly and continually raise our voices in song with the trumpet pipes, the string pipes, and ALL of the organ pipes, so that the glory of the Lord will fill this house of God beyond our wildest imaginations! Let us each resolve to give more, pray more, serve more, and love more so that God’s amazing grace and love can reach further every single day.

I conclude with the words of F. Pratt Green, as found at hymn 420 in our hymnal:

Verse 4: “Let every instrument be tuned for praise! Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise! And may God give us faith to sing always: Alleluia!” Amen.


Baptisms at St. Andrew’s


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